DIMENSION4 trace messages
This section lists the trace messages that might be logged by a DIMENSION4 system, organized as follows:
Message format
The format of every message is shown, using the following conventions:
- Constant strings printed in the message are shown as fixed font
- Variables, filled in with some value, are shown as italic (in the health section, they are also underlined).
For example, the format of one of the sensor_init messages is shown as:
sensor_init: Components OK, will request config from address (our protocol address is address )
And in the log itself this might correspond to a displayed message like this:
sensor_init: Components OK, will request config from (our protocol address is
Traces enabled by default
From DIMENSION4 version 1.0.2 commonly-required traces are enabled by default, so that no extra user configuration (of the platform_monitor parameter) is required. If these traces are explicitly enabled, no harm will be done, but the configuration step is no longer required.
The ‘sensor_health’ trace message
ARM section
The ARM section contains health information about the sensor control system, sensor-sensor and sensor-server protocols. It has several counters that show activity since the previous health report. These can be used to understand the size of data flows in the system (e.g. bandwidth to server, tag bandwidth at the sensor, sensor to sensor communications). It also includes more advanced performance data that may be useful if analyzing a subsequent sensor error, but is not valuable for normal field analysis.
This message is sent once a minute.
The health message is broken down as follows:
Health data from the sensor CPU (ARM).
|RECV s_arrays/scans/valid/meas/late ScanArrays/Scans/ValidScans/Measurements/Late
The RECV section gives details about individual measurements the ARM has received over the network or from the digital signal processor (DSP).
ScanArrays: the DSP sends measurements to the ARM in bulk messages called ScanArrays. This value is the number of messages the ARM has received from the DSP.
Scans: the number of measurements the ARM has received from the DSP. For example, if there are four measurements per full ScanArray and the ARM has received six half-full ScanArrays, then the ARM has received twelve measurements.
Valid Scans: the number of measurements which had a valid scan. Approximately half the measurements will not have been scanned because the sensor has a high-resolution decoder which can perform accurate scans to get fine TDOA data and angle data, and a low-resolution decoder which does not. The measurements from the low-resolution decoder are currently not used.
Measurements: the number of measurements received from the network.
Late: the number of measurements (local or received via the network) that were too late to be included in processing for that beacon.
|SENT rem_meas/fltr_sets/fltr_meas Measurements/FilterInputSets/FilterMeasurements
This SENT section gives details about what the ARM has sent over the network or to the DSP.
Measurements: the number of measurements the ARM has sent to other sensors over the network.
FilterInputSets: the ARM sends measurements to the DSP to be filtered in sets, with each set containing all the measurements gathered for a particular tag beacon event. This value is the number of sets sent to the DSP.
FilterMeasurements: the total number of measurements sent to the DSP to be filtered. For example, if every tag is seen by exactly five sensors, this value should be equal to FilterInputSets multiplied by five.
|FILTER lp_sets/res/seq/drpd_sets SetsDroppedLowPower/FilterResults/FilterSequenceHints/DiscardedFilterSets
The FILTER section describes the data flows in/out of the filter (from the ARM’s perspective). This is for tags where this sensor is acting as the ‘master’.
SetsDroppedLowPower: the number of sets of messages which were dropped due to power thresholding.
FilterResults: the number of filter results received by the ARM.
FilterSequenceHints: the number of messages which tells the ARM which filter sets have been filtered.
DiscardedFilterSets: the number of filter sets which have been discarded (for example, if the filter queue is too big).
|SENT loc_v2/loc_v3 SentLocationMessagesV2/SentLocationMessagesV3
This SENT section shows counts of data messages sent to the server.
SentLocationMessagesV2: the number of location messages sent to the location cell manager.
SentLocationMessagesV3: the number of location messages (these include the measurement data) sent to the logging server.
|FAILED meas/loc_v2/loc_v3 SendMeasurementFailures/SendV2Failures/SendV3Failures
The FAILED section shows counts of low-level network send failures.
SendMeasurementFailures: the number of measurements sent to other sensors which failed to send.
SendV2Failures: the number of location messages sent to the location cell manager which failed to send.
SendV3Failures: the number of location messages sent to the logging server which failed to send.
|STATE alloc_meas/fq_sets/fq_meas AllocatedMeasurements/FilterQueueSets/FilterQueueMeasurements
The STATE section shows the current state of various buffers.
AllocatedMeasurements: the number of measurements currently allocated.
FilterQueueSets: the number of filter sets which have been sent to the DSP to be filtered for which the ARM is still waiting for a filter result.
FilterQueueMeasurements: the number of measurements in the queued filter sets.
|HWM AllocatedMeasurements/FilterQueueSets/FilterQueueMeasurements
The HWM section lists high-water-marks (i.e. the highest value seen since the last message) for the values in the STATE message (see above).
|MSGQALLOC: for each channel i with alloc errors: #i: AllocErrors[i]
(if there are no errors) (no errors)
The MSGQALLOC section gives the total number of errors encountered whilst allocating messages to communicate with the DSP. For each message type, this section gives the number of allocation errors (if a message type has no errors then it is omitted). If there have been no errors then this section has the text “(no errors)”.
MEM HWM/RSS Memory HWM/MemoryResidentSetSize
or if not able to retrieve memory monitor statistics: (get use err)
The MEM section gives information on the ARM’s memory usage. If unable to retrieve the usage statistics this section prints an error message.
HWM: the high-water-mark for the memory used by the ARM application.
MemoryResidentSetSize: the current memory used by the ARM application.
| LOOP free/sent/loop_errs/lb_errs SlotsFree/SlotsSent/LoopErrors/LoopBufferErrors
The LOOP section shows the current state of the message loop between the ARM and DSP. The message loop is used to send some messages to/from the DSP. If there are no slots free, then this will cause problems.
SlotsFree: the current number of slots in the message loop which are free (to be allocated).
SlotsSent: the current number of slots in the message loop which have been sent to the DSP.
LoopErrors: the number of errors in the message loop.
LoopBufferErrors: the number of errors in the message loop buffer.
DSP section
The DSP section contains information about the digital signal processor (DSP) and the underlying hardware. In general the data is for advanced analysis only. However the ‘HEALTH load:’ percentage will give an idea of the remaining processing capacity, and the TS section will give an idea of the performance of the timing subsystem.
This message is sent once a minute.
Health data from the DSP.
|TASKS for each task: TaskNameActivityCount
The TASKS section shows the number of times each task has run. This can be useful to debug unusual situations.
| UPP for each stage in the data pipeline: StageCount
The UPP section shows the message counts for each stage in the data pipeline from the receiver through to sending the measurement to the ARM.
| FILTER for each stage in the filter pipeline: StageCount
The FILTER section shows the message counts for each stage in the filter pipeline.
| MSGALLOC: for each channel i with alloc errors: #i: AllocErrors[i]
(if there are no errors) (no errors)
The MSGALLOC section gives the total number of errors encountered whilst allocating messages to communicate with the DSP. For each message type, this section gives the number of allocation errors (if a message type has no errors then it is omitted). If there have been no errors then this section has the text “(no errors)”.
| HEALTH load: DSPProcessorLoad %
The HEALTH section shows the current load on the DSP in percent.
LOOP free/sent MessageQueueLoopSlotsFree/MessageQueueLoopSlotsSent
The LOOP section shows the current state of the message loop between the DSP and ARM. The message loop is used to send some messages to/from the ARM. If there are no slots free, then this will cause problems.
MessageQueueLoopSlotsFree: the current number of slots in the message loop which are free (to be allocated).
MessageQueueLoopSlotsSent: the current number of slots in the message loop which have been sent to the ARM.
MEM used/size/blkfree MemoryUsed/MemorySize/LargestFreeBlock
The MEM section shows the current state of the DSP’s memory.
| DRIFT ClockDriftMicroseconds
The DRIFT section shows the accumulated clock drift in microseconds.
| TS ok/sht/lng NormalTimeslotCount/ShortTimeslotCount/LongTimeslotCount
The TS section shows statistics about the timing subsystem. If ShortTimeslotCount or LongTimeslotCount are increasing, this may indicate a problem.
| CFAR min-max threshold/raw/stripped/real w1-w2/x1-x2/y1-y2/z1-z2
The CFAR section shows the minimum and maximum CFAR values since the last DSP health message for four ranges of values: CFAR threshold w1-w2, raw bits x1-x2, stripped bits y1-y2, and real bits z1-z2.
| RADIO installed
| RADIO absent
If the trace contains the | RADIO installed section then the sensor has a working radio; if the trace has the | RADIO absent section then no radio is installed.
Additional Periodic DSP health information
An additional message is sent out once every three minutes with DSP health information:
|TEMP nrDAC/nrRX TempNearDAC/TempNearReceiver
TempNearDAC: temperature near the DAC in Celsius
TempNearReceiver: temperature near the receiver in Celsius
|DSP|glbl_stack GlobalStackBytesUsed
GlobalStackBytesUsed: number of bytes used in the global stack
|<Task> mode/sp/used/handle TaskMode/TaskStackPtr/TaskUsedStackBytes/TaskHandleAddr
For each task:
TaskMode: the current mode of the task
TaskStackPtr: the stack pointer address
TaskUsedStackBytes: the number of bytes used in the task’s stack
TaskHandleAddr: the address of the task handle
|PPM cnt/no_f/no_l/insuf PacketCount/NoPulsesFirstPart/NoPulsesLastPart/NotEnoughPulses
PacketCount: the count of packets considered
NoPulsesFirstPart: the count of packets with no pulse in the first part of the packet
NoPulsesLastPart: the count of packets with no pulse in the last part of the packet
NotEnoughPulses: the count of packets with not enough pulses
|CABLE unsync/ok/1/>1 UnsyncedBits/ErrorFreeBytes/SingleErrorBytes/MultipleErrorBytes
UnsyncedBits: (unused)
ErrorFreeBytes: bytes which were error free
SingleErrorBytes: bytes which had a single bit error
MultipleErrorBytes: bytes which had multiple bit errors
|LOOP_ERRORS buf/loop TotalLoopBufferErrors/TotalLoopErrors
TotalLoopBufferErrors: the number of errors in the message loop buffer.
TotalLoopErrors: the number of errors in the message loop.
Location system information messages enabled by default
Trace option ‘boot’
This option traces operation of the boot server. The message formats are:
boot: Boot configuration server listening on address
boot: Boot configuration server setting intended versions for kernel/filesystem/firmware to KernelVersion/FSVersion/FirmwareVersion
boot: Sensor mac requested configuration (v ProtocolVersion) at address, returning INVALID (server in test mode)
boot: Sensor mac requested configuration (v ProtocolVersion) at address, returning OK, kernel: KernelVersion/KernelLength/KernelCRC, fs: FSVersion/FSLength/FSCRC, firmware: FirmwareVersion/FirmwareLength/FirmwareCRC, nextaddr: BootServerAddress
boot: Sensor mac requested configuration (v ProtocolVersion) at address, returning OK/kernel_KernelVersion/fs_FSVersion/addr/kcrc_KernelCRC/fcrc_FSCRC
boot: Sensor mac requested filename at address
boot: Sensor mac completed request for filename at address
Trace option ‘ls_sink_info’
This option traces location sink configuration. It can be used to check for whether the persistent or nonpersistent sensor status storage is enabled. The message formats are:
ls_sink_info: Location sink for cell cell not storing status persistently.
ls_sink_info: Location sink for cell cell storing status persistently.
Trace option ‘ls_sink_stats’
This option traces the messages received by the location sink server. It prints a single trace format that can contain counts for different protocol messages:
ls_sink_stats: cell_ received message_counts
Trace option ‘ls_sink_time’
This option traces the time synchronization protocol that is controlled by the location sink. It has a single message format:
ls_sink_time: TIME SYNC SERVER: client time = tsm.client_time_ ( tsm.client_time_.seconds() s tsm.client_time_.remainder_nanoseconds() ns) server = tsm.server_time_ ( tsm.server_time_.seconds() s tsm.server_time_.remainder_nanoseconds() ns) send to address
Trace option ‘logging_server_stats’
This option traces the messages received by the logging server (excluding trace messages). It prints a single trace format that can contain counts for different sensor messages. In the current version the only message type supported is ULocationSystem::Messages::LocationMessageV3-Sensor (i.e. a location message from a sensor).
logging_server_stats: cell received message_counts
Trace option ‘tftp_report’
This option gives a report of the TFTP server embedded within the boot server. It has a single message format:
boot_server: XFERS ok/failed: ok / failed CONNS lwm/curr/hwm: lwm / curr / hwm RRQ drpd: drpd LOSS_INDICATORS rrq_dup/retries/ack_old/ack_fut: rrq_dup / retries / ack_old / ack_fut
XFERS ok/failed: running total of counts of transfers which successfully completed or failed.
CONNS lwm/curr/hwm: the low-water-mark, current and high-water-mark for the number of active connections. By default the boot server has a maximum of 32 concurrent connections. The lwm and hwm counts are measured since the previous tftp_report message.
RRQ drpd: the number of file transfer requests dropped due to reaching the limit on concurrent connections.
LOSS_INDICATORS rrq_dup/retries/ack_old/ack_fut: various statistics that might indicate lost packets: rrq_dup = duplicate file requests, retries = number of retried server sends, ack_old = number of stale acknowledgement packets, ack_fut = number of extremely old acknowledgement packets.
Location system information messages disabled by default
Trace option ‘ls_upstream_info’
This option traces the timing cable topology discovery process. The message formats are:
ls_upstream_info: cell_ got upstream_info.upstream_mac_ port upstream_info.upstream_port_ -> upstream_info.mac_(found downstream sensor ? . : (did not find downstream sensor))
ls_upstream_info: cell_ got upstream_info.upstream_mac_ port upstream_info.upstream_port_ -> upstream_info.mac_(found upstream sensor ? . : (did not find upstream sensor))
ls_upstream_info: cell_ got upstream_info.upstream_mac_ port upstream_info.upstream_port_ -> upstream_info.mac_(update needed ? . : (skipping server update))
ls_upstream_info: parameter_name changed for downstream_mac to trace_value
ls_upstream_info: Reported parameter_name changed for downstream_mac to trace_value
Trace option ‘ls_sink_tag_data’
This option traces the receipt of telemetry data from tags. It has a single message format:
ls_sink_tag_data: Location sink for cell cell_ received tag data for msg.tag_id_ at msg.time_ with values TagDataPrinter(msg.values_)
Trace option ‘tftp_info’
This option traces the transfer of boot files using TFTP. It emits about five messages per transfer, and has the following formats:
tftp_info: boot_server: creating connection for client_address requesting filename with blocksize blocksize.
tftp_info: boot_server: sending OACK for client_address requesting filename with blocksize blocksize.
tftp_info: boot_server: connection for client_address (requested filename) transitioning to state WAITING_FOR_OACK_ACK.
tftp_info: boot_server: connection for client_address (requested filename) transitioning to state WAITING_FOR_DATA_ACK.
tftp_info: boot_server: destroying connection for client_address (requested filename) as sending OACK exceeded maximum retries.
tftp_info: boot_server: destroying connection for client_address (requested filename) as sending DATA exceeded maximum retries.
tftp_info: boot_server: destroying connection for client_address (requested filename) as error packet received.
tftp_info: boot_server: destroying connection for client_address (requested filename) as transfer has completed.
tftp_info: boot_server: destroying old connection for client_address (requested filename) as client has new request.
tftp_info: boot_server: destroying connection for client_address (requested filename) as server unable to get file data.
Sensor information messages enabled by default
Trace option ‘sensor_init’
This option traces sensor initialization. The message formats are:
sensor_init: Components OK, will request config from address (our protocol address is address )
sensor_init: Config Manager OK
sensor_init: Configuration received OK
sensor_init: Detected receiver type receiver_type
sensor_init: DSP config OK
sensor_init: DSP ready, waiting for time sync
sensor_init: DSP time sync OK
sensor_init: DSP-controlled hardware OK
sensor_init: GPP-side IPC OK
sensor_init: Initial IPC OK
sensor_init: Initialisation complete
sensor_init: IPC Loop OK
sensor_init: LEDs, Resetter OK
sensor_init: Opening sensor routing channel
sensor_init: Opening UWB channel
sensor_init: Sending config to DSP
sensor_init: Time synchronisation OK
sensor_init: Waiting for DSP hardware initialisation
sensor_init: Waiting for DSP to be ready
sensor_init: Watchdog OK
Trace option ‘sensor_info’
This option traces various sensor behaviors. Normal message formats are:
sensor_info: Clearing local CNC as it is invalid.
sensor_info: Requested firmware upgrade not necessary: version flashed_firmware_version_ is already flashed
sensor_info: Requested software upgrade not necessary: version flashed_kernel_version_ / flashed_fs_version_ is already flashed
sensor_info: Successfully re-assigned MAC from settings_.instruction_.old_mac_ to settings_.instruction_.new_mac_ . Will now reboot.
sensor_info: timing is stable
sensor_info: Updating CNC status from remote_cnc_state.status_ to local_cnc_status .
sensor_info: Updating local CNC from local_cnc to requested remote_cnc_state.cnc_ .
sensor_info: Upgrading firmware from flashed_firmware_version_ to desired_version successful, will now reboot.
sensor_info: Upgrading firmware from flashed_firmware_version_ to desired_version
sensor_info: Upgrading flashed software from flashed_kernel_version_ / flashed_fs_version_ to desired_kernel / desired_fs successful, will now reboot.
sensor_info: Upgrading flashed software from flashed_kernel_version_ / flashed_fs_version_ to desired_kernel / desired_fs
Message formats that probably indicate problems are:
sensor_info: timing is UNSTABLE
sensor_info: DSP health timeout, resetting sensor
Trace option ‘sensor_warning’
This option traces is used to deliver non-serious warnings about time synchronization. If network delays are very high, then the network-based time synchronization protocol will lose accuracy. This is not a problem in this version of the software because a sensor doesn’t use timestamps from other sensors as part of its location protocol, but it is included in case we wish to use timestamps in this way in future versions. Normal message formats are:
sensor_warning: Time synchronisation: estimated network delay is value .
Sensor fatal error messages
These messages are sent by a sensor in response to an unrecoverable error; the sensor will then reboot. Message formats are:
fatal: >1 AD9783 instance
fatal: >1 AMChannelReference instance
fatal: >1 CCxx10 instance
fatal: >1 ClockGeneration instance
fatal: >1 FPGA instance
fatal: >1 hamming error but decoded nibble not 255.
fatal: >2 ADF4002 instances
fatal: >2 ADT7302 instances
fatal: AD9783 BIST failed (data1 = ad9783_result )
fatal: AD9783 initialisation timeout (data1 = reg )
fatal: AD9783 SH calibration failed (data1 = ad9783_result )
fatal: AD9783 SH calibration outside normal range (data1 = ad9783_result , data2 = settings_.sh_calibration_max_ x 1000 + settings_.sh_calibration_min_ )
fatal: Assert CNC status failed
fatal: Assert EEPROM info failed: query processor EEPROM failure
fatal: Assert EEPROM info failed: query receiver EEPROM failure
fatal: Assert EEPROM info failed: remote operation error
fatal: Boot file CRC error. (data1 = calculated_crc , data2 = expected_crc )
fatal: CC2510 bad chip ID
fatal: CC2510 version error
fatal: CCxx10 SPI xfer size too big (data1 = size_in_16_bit_words )
fatal: CCxx10: bad chip id (data1 = chip_id_ )
fatal: CCxx10: unknown chip id (data1 = chip_id_ )
fatal: CCxx10: verification error
fatal: Clock count assertion (data1 = CLK_countspms() )
fatal: Config component registration too late
fatal: Config establish timeout. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Config registration request failed (server at config_server_address ) response: incompatible configuration request. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Config registration request failed (server at config_server_address ) response: MAC mac() is not known. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Config registration request failed (server at config_server_address ) unable to read response (error invoke_result->get_error() ). Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Config registration request failed (server at config_server_address ) unknown response op_result . Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Config registration request failed (server at config_server_address ). Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: data pipeline select fail (data1 = result )
fatal: EDMA3 initialise failed
fatal: emergency
fatal: error result reading active firmware page
fatal: Error committing active firmware page (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Error detecting active firmware page (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Error writing active firmware page (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed firmware upgrade: downloaded kernel size mismatch, expected available_length but file is firmware_buffer.written_size() . Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Failed software upgrade: downloaded filesystem size mismatch, expected available_fs_size but file is fs_buffer.written_size() . Sensor will not reboot.
fatal: Failed software upgrade: downloaded kernel size mismatch, expected available_kernel_size but file is kernel_buffer.written_size() . Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: Failed to allocate IPCCheck message
fatal: Failed to assert name CRC (result= eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to assert name length (result= eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to assert name version (result= eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to assert firmware page (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: failed to attach DSP: (data1 = status )
fatal: Failed to commit flashed software details to EEPROM (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to commit phase 1 to EEPROM (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to commit phase 2 to EEPROM (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to download file filename from boot_server_address for operation upgrade. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: failed to load DSP: (data1 = status )
fatal: Failed to retrieve boot configuration from boot_config_address for operation upgrade. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: failed to setup DSP: (data1 = status )
fatal: failed to start DSP: (data1 = status )
fatal: Failed to switch active firmware page. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Failed to unset firmware page (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to unset fs version (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to unset kernel version (data1 = eeprom_result )
fatal: Failed to verify written firmware CRC. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Failed to verify written fs CRC. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Failed to verify written kernel CRC. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Failed to write firmware upgrade. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Failed to write fs upgrade. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: Failed to write kernel upgrade. (data1 = spi_result.first , data2 = spi_result.second )
fatal: fatal log init 1
fatal: fatal log init 2
fatal: fatal log init 3
fatal: fatal log init 4
fatal: fatal log init 5
fatal: Filesystem CRC mismatch. (data1 = spi_crc , data2 = available_fs_crc )
fatal: Firmware CRC mismatch. (data1 = spi_crc , data2 = available_crc )
fatal: Firmware version mismatch: intended version is desired_version , but server at boot_server_address reports available version is available_version . Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: FPGA INIT_B ready timeout
fatal: FPGA initialise failed
fatal: FPGA MCB error (data1 = (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->subsequent_reset_flag_ 9) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->mcb_calibration_done_ 8) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p2_mcb_rd_error_ 7) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p3_mcb_rd_error_ 6) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p4_mcb_wr_error_ 5) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p5_mcb_wr_error_ 4) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p2_mcb_rd_overflow_ 3) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_>p3_mcb_rd_overflow_ 2) | (ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p4_mcb_wr_underrun_ 1) | ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->p5_mcb_wr_underrun_ )
fatal: FPGA ones counter test pattern error (data1 = test_pattern )
fatal: FPGA PLL/DCM unlocked (data1 = 0 )
fatal: FPGA PLLs and DCM failed to lock (data1 = 0 )
fatal: FPGA programming failed
fatal: FPGA subsequent reset error (data1 = ones_cnt_rxbuf_p_->subsequent_reset_flag_ )
fatal: Illegal config listener address
fatal: InitStatus alloc failure (data1 = state )
fatal: invalid init check
fatal: IPC add handler check failed (data1 = offset , data2 = msg_max_count_ )
fatal: IPC add handler duplication (data1 = (free_message ? 1000 : 0) + offset , data2 = msg_max_count_ )
fatal: IPC code sanity check failed (data1 = offset , data2 = msg_max_count_ )
fatal: IPC null handler (data1 = offset , data2 = msg_max_count_ )
fatal: Kernel CRC mismatch. (data1 = spi_crc , data2 = available_kernel_crc )
fatal: MAC assignment completion notification failed
fatal: No Location System Configuration Server registered. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: PRD assertion (data1 = CLK_getprd() )
fatal: Processor Task: task_loop exited (data1 = result )
fatal: Receiver PLL unlocked (data1 = 0 )
fatal: sample proc not configured
fatal: Sample Processor: coarse clock overflow (data1 = protocol_data_packet.first_pulse_clock_count_ , data2 = protocol_data_packet.first_pulse_ppe_number_ )
fatal: Sanity checks failed.
fatal: Software version mismatch: intended version is desired_kernel / desired_fs , but server at boot_server_address reports available version is available_kernel_version / available_fs_version . Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: SPI CRC failed (data1 = 0 )
fatal: SPI CRC failed (data1 = 1 )
fatal: SPI CRC failed (data1 = 2 )
fatal: SPI CRC failed (data1 = 3 )
fatal: SPI create channel failed
fatal: SPI xfer failed (data1 = device , data2 = length )
fatal: Timesync alloc error 1
fatal: Timesync alloc error 2
fatal: TimeSync info alloc failed
fatal: TimeSync init alloc failed
fatal: Timesync latency error
fatal: unable to cache network configuration from EEPROM
fatal: unable to cache Processor EEPROM values before re-assigning MAC.
fatal: unable to cache processor EEPROM values: result
fatal: unable to cache receiver EEPROM values: result
fatal: unable to commit cleared CNC to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: unable to commit CNC changes to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: Unable to comprehend boot configuration (data1 = source.get_error() , data2 = buffer.written_size() )
fatal: unable to detect flashed firmware version (data1 = result , data2 = firmware_page0_active_ ? 0 : 1 )
fatal: unable to detect flashed fs version (data1 = result )
fatal: unable to detect flashed kernel version (data1 = result )
fatal: Unable to perform operation upgrade due to missing boot config server parameter in configuration. Sensor will now reboot.
fatal: unable to query board identifier from Processor EEPROM
fatal: unable to query board identifier from Receiver EEPROM
fatal: unable to re-assign MAC address, error code result .
fatal: unable to reset gracefully. (data1 = 1 , data2 = result )
fatal: unable to reset gracefully. (data1 = 2 , data2 = result )
fatal: unable to write CNC (DNS IP # i ) to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: unable to write CNC (DNS Suffix # i ) to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: unable to write CNC (Gateway IP) to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: unable to write CNC (IP) to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: unable to write CNC (Search method # i ) to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: unable to write CNC (Subnet mask) to EEPROM. Error result .
fatal: Unexpected FPGA programming result
fatal: Unknown AM channel threshold method (data1 = settings_.method_ )
fatal: Unknown AM channel threshold state (data1 = state_.machine_state_ )
fatal: unknown receiver type (data1 = receiver_type )
fatal: Unknown timing cable OTW decoder state (data1 = state_ )
fatal: Unknown timing cable OTW encoder state (data1 = state_ )
fatal: unrecoverable dsp fatal error
fatal: UPP Ifc Task exited (data1 = result )
fatal: UPP initialise failed
fatal: UPP: error during read (data1 = result )
fatal: UPP: invalid packet source (data1 = pusher->protocol_data_packet_.source_ )
fatal: urgent handler emergency init 1
fatal: urgent handler emergency init 2
fatal: urgent handler not initialised.
fatal: Writer failed to locate ARM MSGQ reader
fatal: written results overflow (data1 = loop_state_.written_results_ )
Location system low-level debugging messages
There are many low-level tracing options available whose main purpose is debugging system software operation. They should not normally be enabled but are included here to give an idea of what could be traced in principle.
Trace option ‘boot_d’
This does extra tracing on the boot protocol.
boot_d: Adding boot file file version version
boot_d: Sensor mac registering at address.get_name_local
boot_d: Sensor mac: sending filename (bytes bytes ) to address
Trace option ‘ls_sink_liveness_d’
This traces the ‘server liveness timeout’ behavior.
ls_sink_liveness_d: cell is not a location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: increasing timeout to minimum allowed (min timeout) for geometry cell (was timeout)
ls_sink_liveness_d: no logging address associated with cell location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: parent cell is not a geometry cell for location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: parent cell not found for location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: removing expiry time of expiry for location cell because timeout is now set to zero
ls_sink_liveness_d: setting expiry time of time for location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: setting location sink of address for location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: setting logging server of address for location cell
ls_sink_liveness_d: setting time server of address for location cell
Trace option ‘ls_timing_graph_d’
This traces the calculation of timing graphs.
ls_timing_graph_d: Finished timing graph for root
ls_timing_graph_d: Found route from root to v with delay delay, variance variance
ls_timing_graph_d: Shortest distance from root to sensor is distance
ls_timing_graph_t: Calculated N delays
ls_timing_graph_t: Calculating delays with N timing root sensors
ls_timing_graph_t: Delay for sensor is delay (variance variance)
ls_timing_graph_t: Timing root sensor root
ls_timing_graph_t: Updated delay for sensor to delay (variance variance)
Trace option ‘ls_timing_delay_checker’
This traces server-side solving of sensor orientations and cable delays.
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_cable_swaps
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_delays
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_descriptors
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_estimated_positions
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_orientation_result_sensors
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_orientation_results_invalid
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_orientation_results_invalidated
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_orientation_results
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_orientation_solved
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_orientations
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_overrides
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_sensor_moves
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_sensor_swaps
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_result_routes
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_result_sensors
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_results_invalid
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_results_invalidated
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_results
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_routes
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_timing_solved
ls_timing_delay_checker: check_valid_flags
ls_timing_delay_checker: Starting timing delay checker
ls_timing_delay_checker: sync_delays
ls_timing_delay_checker: sync_installation_properties
ls_timing_delay_checker: sync_positions
ls_timing_delay_checker: sync_valid_flags
Trace option ‘ls_referential_integrity’
This traces the object referential integrity checker.
ls_referential_integrity: Pruning all parameters that are not in a set of N objects
ls_referential_integrity: Pruning all sensor-group pairs that are not in a set of N objects
ls_referential_integrity: Pruning parameters from a set of N objects
ls_referential_integrity: Pruning sensor-group pairs from a set of N objects
ls_referential_integrity: Removing parameter for object
ls_referential_integrity: Removing sensor-group pair sensor / group
ls_referential_integrity: Starting location system referential integrity checker
Trace option ‘ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker
This traces computation of the ChildHasTimingIssue flag.
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: asserting flag for mac value
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: on_current_status_changed(sensor, status)
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: on_current_status_removed(sensor)
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: on_location_cell_changed(sensor, location cell)
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: on_location_cell_removed(sensor)
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: on_upstream_sensor_changed(parent, child)
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: on_upstream_sensor_removed(parent, child)
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: Sensor/Location Cell descriptor not found
ls_child_has_timing_issue_checker: Sensor/Status/Error Flags descriptor not found
Trace option ‘tftp_report_d’
This option contains all the data in the tftp_report (which is enabled by default) and some additional information for debugging. It has one format:
tftp_report_d: boot_server: for each statistic statistic_name: count/current state
Configuration distribution
There are several distinct trace options for tracing the configuration distribution protocol.
N.B. The config distribution server checks the value of the platform_monitor variable approximately every minute, and updates what trace streams are enabled. This means that the config distribution servers do not need to be restarted to change which trace streams are enabled. Additionally, the config distribution streams (i.e. streams starting with ‘ls_cfgdist’) all output the server’s cell at the start of the message.
ls_cfgdist_actions: execute failed, but no state for action
ls_cfgdist_actions: execute failed, but old session for ( old_session / new_session ) action
ls_cfgdist_actions: execute failed, will retry for action
ls_cfgdist_actions: execute successful for action
ls_cfgdist_actions: execute successful, but no state for action
ls_cfgdist_actions: execute successful, but old session ( old_session / new_session ) for action
ls_cfgdist_interests: operation : changed reqs/sgrps/ns/ds/locs/geoms/macs reqs/sgrps/ns/ds/locs/geoms/macs
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: mac_count MACs interested in descriptor obj : value
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: Descriptor changed: descriptor
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: getting establish for mac .
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: handling namespace_count changed namespaces and descriptor_count changed descriptors.
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: handling changed requests for mac_count macs.
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: handling changed sensor groups for changed_sensors_count sensors, changed_groups_count groups.
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: MAC requests don’t match group group : differences
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: MAC requests match group group
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: MACHasRequest changed for mac
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: Namespace updated: namespace
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: No MACs interested in descriptor obj
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: on_commit
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: on_establish
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: on_macs_changed
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: reload request for mac : created new group new_mac_group with request_count requests (previous group: old_mac_group ).
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: reload request for mac : re-using group new_mac_group (previous group: old_mac_group ).
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: reload request: mac mac has no request, removed from mac group group . New group size: new_size .
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: Sensor geometry cell changed: sensor sensor
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: Sensor location cell changed: sensor sensor
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: SensorHasMAC changed for mac
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: SensorInGroup change for sensor sensor group group
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: unable to find group interests for mac (group= group ).
ls_cfgdist_interests_d: unable to find mac group for mac .
ls_cfgdist_macs: operation [continuation] : #changed_macs= changed_macs_count #changed_sensors= changed_sensors_count #added= added_macs_count #removed= removed_macs_count #callbacks= callbacks_count added= added_macs_set removed= removed_macs_set
ls_cfgdist_state: operation : macs_with_changed_interests= changed_macs_count added_macs= added_macs_count removed_macs= removed_macs_count changed_params= changed_params_count removed_params= removed_params_count actions est/upd= establish_action_count / update_action_count
ls_cfgdist_state_d: new state for mac resetting last service time
ls_cfgdist_state_d: Parameter param removed for object: macs_count MACs interested
ls_cfgdist_state_d: Parameter param changed for object: macs_count MACs interested
ls_cfgdist_state_dd: on_commit: deleting changes for mac as no request found.
ls_cfgdist_state_dd: on_commit: ignoring changes for mac as no management state.
ls_cfgdist_state_dd: on_commit: pushing update action for mac , with updated_parameters_count updates, removed_parameters_count removals.
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker: checking cells: cell extents [not] changed cell config [not] changed Sensor/Location Cell rows to check: sensor_loc_cell_changed_count Sensor/Geometry Cell rows to check: sensor_geom_cell_changed_count Sensor/Status/Error Flags rows to check: sensor_error_flags_changed_count Location Cell/Named rows to check: loc_cell_named_changed_count Geometry Cell/Named rows to check: geom_cell_named_changed_count
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: cell named changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: sensor error flags changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: sensor geometry cell changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: sensor location cell changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: sensor position changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: asserting required_cell for sensor as required_cell_static_type
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: cell config changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: cell extents changed
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: checking cells
ls_cfg_server_cell_checker_d: deleting required_cell_static_type for sensor
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: adding sensor – sensor
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: adding sensor – upstream_sensor
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: Build sensor upstream map
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: Calculating timing roots
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: considering sensor
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: followed timing tree but found no acting TS, giving up
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: upstream sensor it->second is acting TS
ls_cfg_server_timing_root_d: upstream sensor it->second is not acting TS
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: (register_sensor) result= (int)result
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: (unknown op= op )
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: assert_eeprom_values( EEPROMValuesPrinter(processor_values) , EEPROMValuesPrinter(receiver_values) ).
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: enter
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: mac_assignment_complete( instruction.old_mac_ -> instruction.new_mac_ processor instruction.processor_id_.manufacturer_info1_ / instruction.processor_id_.manufacturer_info2_ / instruction.processor_id_.manufacturer_info3_ receiver instruction.receiver_id_.manufacturer_info1_ / instruction.receiver_id_.manufacturer_info2_ / instruction.receiver_id_.manufacturer_info3_ ).
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: request.get_error()= request.get_error()
ls_config_server_reg_debug: SensorRegistrationServer::execute: set_cnc_status( mac , cnc_seq , valid ? true : false )
Sensor low-level debugging messages
There are several low-level tracing options available whose main purpose is debugging sensor operation. They should not normally be enabled but are included here to give an idea of what could be traced in principle.
Trace option ‘sensor_cnc’
This is used to trace the custom network configuration protocol.
sensor_cnc: config_client_log: value
sensor_cnc: Ignoring invalid remote CNC = remote_cnc_state.cnc_ using local = local_cnc
sensor_cnc: Local CNC == Remote CNC = remote_cnc_state.cnc_ .
sensor_cnc: Local CNC == Remote CNC == empty.
Trace option ‘sensor_config’
This is used to trace the configuration protocol.
sensor_config: change_message: changed= changed_params.size() , components= components.size()
sensor_config: establish_message: params= message.parameters_.size() , components= component_properties_.size() , notifier_comps= notifier_components.size()
sensor_config: establish_message: prefix= message.prefix_.prefix_ , our_prefix= prefix_ , request.get_error()= request.get_error()
sensor_config: notifier: components= components.size()
sensor_config: unknown_message: request.get_error()= request.get_error() , message_code= message_code
sensor_config: update_message: prefix= message.prefix_.prefix_ , our_prefix= prefix_ , request.get_error()= request.get_error() , updated= message.updated_parameters_.size() , removed= message.removed_parameters_.size()
Trace option ‘sensor_sw’
This is used to trace the firmware and software flash update process.
sensor_sw: Flashed firmware/kernel/fs: flashed_firmware_version_ / flashed_kernel_version_ / flashed_fs_version_
sensor_sw: No firmware upgrade requested.
sensor_sw: No software upgrade requested.
sensor_sw: Storing filesystem details in EEPROM (version/size/crc): available_fs_version / available_fs_size / available_fs_crc
sensor_sw: Storing kernel details in EEPROM (version/size/crc): available_kernel_version / available_kernel_size / available_kernel_crc
sensor_sw: Verifying filesystem CRC from SPI flash
sensor_sw: Verifying kernel CRC from SPI flash
sensor_sw: Writing filesystem to SPI flash
sensor_sw: Writing kernel to SPI flash
Trace option ‘tftp_sender’
This option traces the TFTP requests that the ARM makes to download new firmware or software to write into flash.
tftp_sender: Requesting filename from address max_attempts send_attempts timeout_period_ms timeout_in_ms adaptive_timeout adaptive_timeout
tftp_sender: Request for filename from address has failed, received block_count blocks.
tftp_sender: Request for filename from address has completed.
Location platform warning messages
Some important warning messages are provided by the underlying location platform libraries and are common to all Ubisense services, including DIMENSION4 services.
Thread scheduling delays
These events will be reported if a process detects that it is not being scheduled promptly. For example, if it requests a sleep of a certain length and is in fact woken up some time after the sleep time has expired, then this may cause a warning if the delay in waking the process up is too large.
warning: slow thread scheduling in last interval s; count events; mean mean_delay ms; max max_delay ms at time_of_max_delay
Disk write latency
Disk write latencies are reported if a process detects that the write operation took too long to complete.
warning: immediate disk write latency report for ‘file_name’: detected latency of latency_ms milliseconds doing operation (handle: file_handle ).
warning: periodic disk write latency report for ‘file_name’: highest latency was stats_.max_interval_latency_ms milliseconds doing max_interval_latency_operation in the last interval seconds (handle: file_handle ).